Welcome to First Grade


Welcome Class of 2031! 

School Information:

Visit the FFS OtterEmporium to get your school swag today, including FFS PJ pants, camping chairs, water bottles, and more! Also, stay tuned for the opening of our winter shop in the upcoming weeks, where you'll find a wide selection of hoodies, jackets, hats, and other seasonal items for delivery by winter break! 

Help build community and support your children by participating in life at Frankford Friends School! There are many ways you can support school events, initiatives, and community fun - register to become a volunteer.  Clearances are required for all volunteers who wish to chaperone school events or help in the classroom. Visit: www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances


Meet the Class of 2031!

Check out this video below to learn more about why PBL is so important to our school: 

How  We  Celebrate  Birthdays: 

Shared treats such as cupcakes, donuts, or cookies - one for each classmate- are appropriate choices. We have 24 students!

Caregivers of students with food allergies are welcome to provide a safe alternative to be kept in the classroom for such occasions.

In keeping with Quaker values, birthday celebrations at school are expected to be simple in nature. Caregivers may not provide lunch (pizza or other) for the class. Favors or gifts for students may never be brought/sent to school. Caregivers who wish to give a class gift, such as a book or a fun board game, to a classroom in honor of a student's birthday are welcome to do so.


First Grade Class Schedule:

Schedule 2023-24 (Teacher Copy).pdf

My name is Jamie Cho but at FFS, I go by Teacher Jamie! I've been an elementary school teacher since 2010 and a FFS teacher since 2015. I earned my master's degree in elementary education from the University of Southern California and my music degree from the University of Irvine, California. I am happily married with precocious twin daughters. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, raised in San Diego, California, and currently living in South Jersey. My hobbies, besides teaching, include playing the violin, ice skating, and crocheting! 

Email: jcho@frankfordfriends.org